Know More About Manganese Steel Before Approaching A Casting Manufacturer

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Manganese steel castings are widely used in the metal industry as manganese helps in increasing the ductility of steel. It becomes tough and resistant to abrasive actions which makes them suitable for a wide variety of applications in various industries. They show a strong strain-hardening behaviour.

Though manganese steel has so much to offer, there are still a few people who have not yet approached a casting manufacturer. It is primarily because they still have some queries regarding manganese steel. Getting those answered is a must if you want to reap the benefits stated above and approach the right casting manufacturer.

5 Common Queries About Manganese Steel Have Been Answered

What Are The Uses Of Manganese Steel?
Though it has numerous applications, it is generally used in the mining industry because it has good self-hardening properties. It is used to manufacture rock crushers, elevator, cement mixers, elevator, shovel buckets and crawler treads for tractors. In the rail industry, manganese steel is used to make crossings and switches. It also used to make window bars in prisons and it keeps potential escapees away. It has a very light weight which makes it suitable for making bullet-proof cabinets, anti-drill plates and safes.

Does It Rust?
Though steel generally rusts in moist atmosphere, manganese steel has good corrosion resistance properties. Reputed manganese steel casting manufacturers know the right proportion manganese should be mixed with steel which can have a positive effect on the corrosion resistance of the metal. The steel absorbs the manganese ions which prevents it from rusting.

Is It Magnetic?
A unique feature of manganese steel is that it is non-magnetic inspite of having good work hardening properties. It even guarantees wear and tear which makes them more durable. Being non-magnetic, manganese steel casting is used for industrial lifting magnets and in electrical transformer assemblies.

Can I Cut Manganese Steel?
One of the primary reasons why manganese alloy has limited uses is because machining it is a challenging task. Some casting manufacturers even feel that the metal has ‘zero machinability’. You can’t make it soft using annealing. They also hardens very fast when grinding or cutting tools are used. If you want to cut manganese steel, you will need a special tooling machine.

Can I Weld Manganese Steel?
Though you can weld manganese steel, the process is not as easy as you think. Not only do you have to ensure to keep the heat under control but also cool the weld quickly. It will prevent the metal from cracking. Generally, welders try to choose an interpass temperature of below 500F.

Choose The Right Casting Manufacturer

Since all your common queries about manganese steel have been answered, it’s time you start looking for reputed casting manufacturers in your city. The top quality castings provided by them can be used for handling and processing various earthen materials. The castings should be widely appreciated for their salient features. They should also offer the castings at competitive prices.

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