What Makes High Carbon Steel Stronger Than Other Varieties?

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High-carbon steel is defined as the steel variety with a carbon content between 0.6% and 1.0%. With the high percentage of carbon in the structures, the hardness, corrosion resistivity, and cost will also increase proportionally to the carbon percentage.

This is why the high-carbon steel variety is used in making swords, knives, masonry nails and gear wheels. Like the other types of steel, high-carbon steel is also produced by melting recycled steel, removing all sorts of impurities, and mixing the alloys to create the right chemical composition before the molten metal is extruded.

If you want high-carbon steel structures, contact a well-known high-carbon chromium casting manufacturer to get good quality carbon steel structures per your requirements.

How Carbon Content Affects the Features of Steel Structures

Several factors are affected by the high carbon content. They are as follows-


The increased carbon content in steel increases the hardness. High carbon level will result in a high level of hardness when heat is applied through tempering and quenching. It makes the high carbon content structures the best where hardness is considered.


The carbon content in the structure positively affects the strength of steel. High carbon has higher strength compared to low carbon steel. This higher strength value helps the carbon steel to withstand high loads and stress.


Toughness measures a material’s ability to absorb energy before it gets fractured. This is why the high carbon steel is more brittle than the low carbon steel.

What Are The Different Applications Of Steel Structures?

The amount of carbon in steel is proportionate to the material’s properties. The high percentage of carbon provides high strength and resistance. Here are some of the applications of high-carbon structures-

  • Household Toys and Appliances

If you head to the local home or gardening store, you will find high-carbon steel washers and hangers in almost all applications. From toy wagons to golf carts and lawn and garden equipment, you can check closely and see the valve covers and fasteners, all made of high-carbon steel.

  • Automotive industry

Carbon steel has high strength, durability, and resistance, making it a popular choice for different vehicle components. Frames, support beams, chassis and mufflers all are made up of high-carbon steel. If you check the backup sensor on the car, you can see small, high-carbon steel clips that hold things together.

Huston India is a reputed manufacturer of high-carbon chromium castings in West Bengal. The name is simply what the client trusts. With decades of experience, we offer good quality high carbon chromium casting. Get steel casting at a highly reasonable price from us.

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